The Money and Time Pillar

The Money and Time Pillar

The fifth pillar of the 10 pillars that I coach my clients.


Assets and property considered in terms of monetary value; wealth


A system or method of measuring a limited period or interval

The key to mastering time and money is understanding its value to you and realizing how you steward it. People waste time and waste money all day long then wonder why they can never ahead. There is a way to stop the cycle.

Click here to stop the cycle now.

What is value? To value something means to consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial. You personally have a high opinion of it. So if you “value” money and time you know never to squander it. If you “value” your money and your time then you will also invest it wisely and treat it like a commodity.

What is stewardship? To demonstrate stewardship is the act and or job of protecting and being responsible for something. At all times protecting your money and time as well as being responsible for your money and time is the behavior of breaking the cycle.

Take inventory

Where are you at with your money? with your time?

Where do you want to be 30 days from now? 90 days? 1 year from now? 10 years from now?

Need help? Click here.

Consider this

  • What are your beliefs about money and time?
  • Are you in debt with your money? Are you behind with your time?
  • When was the last time you took a real vacation?
  • Do you often NOT do things because of lack of money or lack of time?
  • Do you believe that you can do something about making more money? Why?
  • Are you keeping your income options open? Are you looking/learning how?

Take action

Take 15 minutes to journal your revelations about your relationship to money and time. Add what you want to do about it starting tomorrow. Then start tomorrow. A mentor of mine would always say making money is easy. I used to think what is he talking about? Making money is hard. It wasn’t until I took inventory, considered things, and took action that everything changed. Now I believe that making money is easy and I will NEVER turn back to how I used to think. Click here to schedule a life-changing session with me now.


Your financial coach,

Michelle Tascoe | Life Coach
Money | Debt | Accountability
Office | 209.532.4030
Email |


If you want to find out how financial coaching can help you reach your money goals call or email me for a complimentary coaching consultation

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