friends Tag

Day 62: Find a Worthy Cause and Rally Up

Super Saturday! Last day covering friends and community and today: We rally! And then: We rally! Every group comes together to celebrate something and what better way to connect individuals than to get united around a mission, a cause, a milestone or an event that...


Day 58: “Friends that Run Along Side Us”

Glorious day! Yesterday we covered having friends steps ahead of us and their importance in our lives. Today, the second group of friends that we should have are the friends that run along side us. These are the friends that make the daily journey fun and...


The Friends and Community Pillar

The ninth pillar of the 10 pillars that I coach my clients on is the friends and community pillar. friend/frend: A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts, with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause com·mu·ni·ty/kəˈmyo͞onitē: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a...