family Tag

The Home and Environment Pillar

This is the eighth pillar that I coach my clients on. Home: A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household En·vi·ron·ment: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, lives or operates Some people refer to their home as a...


Day 18: All Hands on Deck

Good day! All hands on deck as we continue on with family. We love a family that works together! On our ship the dad is the captain the mom is the co captain and everyone else works as the crew and does their part. The...


Day 16: The Kids in Your Life

What a great day! Sometimes we need to take a break from it all, pull back and be a kid again. Through those eyes the world is fresh and new and everything is possible. Thank the kids your life. They represent the spark that we need...


Day 15: Moms and Dads

Monday Morning! Brand new week ahead of us! Anything can happen when you let it. This week we focus on family. Oh my fave! Where would we be without family? We all have a mom and dad somewhere out there. And some of us are mom's...


The Family Pillar

The third pillar of the 10 pillars that I coach my clients on is the family pillar. fam·i·ly: a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Nothing can replace family. And when you have family you have something to live for. Walt Disney...


The Marriage Pillar

The second pillar of life of the 10 pillars that I coach my clients on is the marriage pillar. mar·riage: the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. Understanding your role as a husband and as...