Day 46: Diet and Exercise – Approach a New Healthy Lifestyle By a New Healthy Attitude
Good evening! When it comes to health and fitness it always comes down to diet and exercise. Decrease in calories and increase calorie burning activity. We have to make a stand for our health in order to make good decision after good decision. The best way to approach a new healthy lifestyle is by a new healthy attitude. If you’re totally fit already what would you be doing? How would you be eating? What kinds of activities would you be participating in? If you were already successful what would a normal day look like to you with your meals and exercise and water intake, even supplements that you would be taking? When you have a vision for what life could look like it’s up to you to start walking in it. There is always a light at the end of a tunnel.
Day 46 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, Ruth 1-4, Luke 24
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