Day 67: The Big Difference Between Good Fun and Risky Fun
Thank you day! As we continue with our focus on fun and adventure there is a big difference between good fun and risky fun. It is easy to get caught up with the wrong crowd and a moment’s decision has consequences that can cost us a lot. So here is the ultimate way to still push the boundaries but come up on top. My top 3 ways to be: 1)BE BRAVE, 2) BE A LADY, 3) BEHAVE. Bravery brings the boldness in all of us. We can run, we can jump, we can dare to dream. Being a lady reminds us of the queen we are and signifies that we are royalty in our actions and thoughts. Behaving sets the standard to which we live by and keeps the fine line clear between what is above and below our honor and dignity. And in all you do BEAT to your own drum, the rhythm that we feel inside that sets us free to explore, conquer and have more fun and adventure throughout our lifetime.
“You’ll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You’ll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Day 67 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, 1 Chronicles 3-7, Acts 10-11
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