Day 61: Shift from Saying “I” to “WE”
Hello friends! Our friends and community can be created just by our language. It’s time to cross over from saying I, I, I, to we. It makes such a difference because when you do something so simple as changing your language suddenly you can go from solo to team and from lone ranger to army. It is so interesting because we look out for ourselves first all the time on a fundamental level, but as you grow in personal development and elevate there is an invisible line you cross that takes you from being self involved to selfless and evolved. In fact it is that evolution that brings forth change locally then nationally and then globally. No one person can make an impact by themselves. All great leaders had a team behind them that championed the cause and played support roles. It is the “we” factor that made the difference. As a “we,” we can accomplish anything. Shift from saying “I” to “we.” As you speak it out, life will begin to shift to reflect it. When we team up we can accomplish anything we can dream up. Soon enough you will begin to find your force in numbers. Birds of a feather flock together.
Day 61 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, 1 Kings 19- 2 Kings 1, Acts 1-2.
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