Day 60: Be a Part of Something – Finding the Right Tribes
Good morning! As we continue to focus on friends and community this week, there is one thing that all people in the world want: to belong. At our core we want to be a part of something, a group, a team, a tribe. Seth Godin authored a smart book titled Tribes that is recommended reading. Time2Think- What’s your tribe? Where do you belong? Who do you want to be influenced by and who do you want to influence? What identifies your community? Community is formed when there is a common interest, goal, or behavior. We can belong to so many kinds of communities. I say among your choices fill at least these 4 needs to complete your sense of community and find the right tribes.
1) Find tribe that gives you a sense of family community like a church or girls group.
2) Find a tribe that gives you sense of fun and freedom, like a travel club or a sports club.
3) Find a tribe that gives you a sense of growth like a mastermind group or at personal development training events.
4) Find a tribe that gives you a sense of giving back like ministry, missions trips or a volunteer group.
Inside a tribe there is a level of influence that causes a movement. Together we can mobilize the change we want to see in the world.
Day 60 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, 1Kings 13-18, John 21
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