Day 53: Creating the Tailored Feel Without Spending Money
Hello day! As we continue focusing on home and environment I find that when you can create your home as an extension of yourself then it fits you like a glove and the things that you need will be put in the places that you need them.
Here are 3 top tips that will create the tailored feel without spending money.
#1 For your kitchen: Move the contents of your drawers around so the things you need most often are right within reach and are paired in proximity. For example, the counter that you naturally use to cut meats, and veggies should have your knives and cutting boards within each reach and the spoons and forks should be the most accessible as you leave to kitchen to head to the dining area.
#2 For your closet: Get your wardrobe outfit ready, When your clothes are already in outfits then there’s no need to spend the morning figuring out what to wear. For example, Divide your closet into warm and cold wear, then pair your clothes close together, if there are 3 tops that go with that skirt, they should hang together
#3 For your bathroom: create mini stations based on the beauty regime that you do. For example keep a drawer just for makeup, keep a drawer just for hair, and lastly one just for the things that you do right after a shower. When there is always a rhyme and reason for things placed in your home you’ll find that your home will support your daily life. It’s freedom via function.
Day 53 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, 2 Samuel 1-5 and John 10-11.
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