Day 39: Never Quit!
Perfect day! The biggest action to take in personal development that eliminates failure no matter what you do is… drumroll please: Never ever EVER quitting! That is right! The biggest way to grow in personal development that will affect the success in every area of your life is to develop a habit on never quitting. What is a failed marriage that ended in divorce? Someone that quit. What is a high school drop out or someone that did some college? Some that quit. What are half done projects around the house? Someone that quit. What is overdue debt and collections? Someone that quit paying on what they owned. If we could all master the habit of finishing what we started with a spirit of excellence where would we are be? Best guess is a whole lot further than where we are now. Now is the time to develop the habit of not quitting. The road ahead is bright as long as we stay on it.
Day 39 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months, Joshua 11-15, Luke 13-14.
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