Day 33: The Little Spendings
Spectacular day! As we conclude our week on money, the secret to spending vs. saving isn’t in the big ticket items that make the difference. The corners to shave off is in all the little spending that add up to a whole lot over time. We just don’t see the seismic impact because the mini spending feels more like vibrations rather than a colossal earthquake on our bank accounts. The solution? Don’tĀ fall for immediate gratification in place of long term success. It is what gets us all the time. If you could look back and take back all the lattes, sodas and fast food you’ve had the last 5 years for an unforgettable dinner eating at this posh restaurant in the Eiffel Tower would you do it? Of course! -but when it counts is making the decision to drive past the Starbucks, McDonalds, 7-11 instead of hindsight. It’s easy to do but also easy not to do!
Day 33 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months. Deuteronomy 14-18, Luke 4-5.
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