Day 30: Our Emotions Around Money – What We Make Things Mean
Happy day! As we are focused on finances this week, yesterday I shared about mastering your emotions around money. Diving deeper into this the first emotion that we can master is what we make things mean. We can make money, bills, debt, wealth and the amount currently in our bank account mean so many things. Whatever we make it mean is going to give us an emotional charge. It will either make us feel bad because we have made things mean that we are a failure, or not good enough or it can make us feel excited because we have made things mean that we are on the right track or that we can figure it out.
What are you making things mean and how does that in turn make you feel emotionally? If the emotion doesn’t serve you then change the meanings in your life.
Numbers 34-36, Deuteronomy 1-3, Mark 16.
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