
Day 50: Our Home Is Our Sanctuary

Happy Monday! This week our focus is on home and environment. We have learned that our body is our temple. Next to that our home is our sanctuary. A messy home is a messy life because where we sleep is a reflection of the way...


Day 48: We Are What We Think

Early morning! As we are finishing up health and well-being there are things that we can literally do to better our bodies with eating right, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and adding exercise, the last and most important part is what we put in...


Day 45: We Are What We Eat!

Morning to the morning! Hope you slept great last night! As we continue focusing on health and well-being this week the food we put into our bodies is super important. There are certain foods that naturally lift your mood, and give you energy. In addition it...


Day 44: How Well Did You Sleep?

Good morning! Daily health and well being an be determined by how well you sleep. Ever sleep for a full 8 hours plus and feel exhausted when you wake up? Ever sleep for only 5-6 hours but wake up naturally and feel like you were out...