Day 37: Keeping a Journal as a Key to Success
Hello day! The greatest way we can grow is to be self-aware. It is important to know your strengths, know your weaknesses and keep inventory as you increase. I have found that keeping a journal is a key to success for many people.
Here is what a journal is not: a diary of the day to day, a book of secrets, a collection of complaints and regrets, a to do list.
Here is what a journal is: a collection of your vision for your future at each benchmark you reach, a documentation on your triumphs and victories and more importantly what you did to get there, notes from seminars, Ted talks, workshops, and meetings with mentors, letters to God and his answers that you hear that you write down, and problems/opportunities that you faced and how your problem solved them.
Do you have a journal? How has it helped you/ How can it help you now?
Day 37 of reading the bible cover to cover in 6 months. Joshua 1-5, Luke 10-11.
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